Vidéaste Barcelone

Lumières, caméra, engagement ! Notre vidéaste qui fera de votre proposition inoubliable. Le style de ces vidéos vous donnera cette nostalgie et ce côté cinématographique
Ils vous feront ressentir des émotions et rendront vos moments encore plus spéciaux. Ils raconteront votre histoire de manière créative et touchante, car c'est le but ultime.

💡 What’s Included

Filmer will be there prior of the proposal, and will
record the entire proposal and capture the moments after.

Includes: High quality video of 2 minutes or however long to your liking! Can be discussed with filmer prior to the event.

Please note, this option is available exclusively as an add-on.

💰 Pricing

  • Two minute video shoot €300

👯 How to book

Please start your booking below filling out your preferences.

Once we receive the booking we will send you a confirmation email.

You can always make changes to your booking afterwards via email.


• Email us at to discuss your event.

Taxes incluses.